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Bringing Your Own Android and Developing a BYOD Policy

Bringing Your Own Android and Developing a BYOD Policy

The concept of letting employees bring their own phones and devices to work has become more and more common. Employees want to use their personal devices in the workplace without having to carry around a second device for personal use. While this helps with cost...

Is the Windows Phone 8 Ready for the Enterprise?

Is the Windows Phone 8 Ready for the Enterprise?

Is the Windows Phone 8 Ready for the Enterprise? I suppose the short answer would be, 'compared to what?' I've been an Android user, an iPhone user, and now I'm using a Windows Phone 8 -- and I have my gripes about all of them. Of course the real problem is that I...

How does the Windows Phone 8 Kool-Aid Taste?

How does the Windows Phone 8 Kool-Aid Taste?

I’m just going to come out and say it: I drank the Windows Phone 8 Kool-Aid. My coworkers mock me, and I accept this. But darn it, I want to believe! (and it tastes a lot better than what I was drinking before.) And it's certainly better than if I wandered over to the...