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Upgrading from ClearCase/ClearQuest 7.0 to 7.1

Upgrading from ClearCase/ClearQuest 7.0 to 7.1

As an IT engineering expert for SPK and associates, a California based IT services company, I write blog posts on topics such as Software Configuration Management and other Engineering Applications. This week I’d like to blog about my experiences in upgrading...

How To Use ClearCase clearfsimport and Avoid Pitfalls

How To Use ClearCase clearfsimport and Avoid Pitfalls

This week we will change things up a bit and have a look at an IBM/Rational ClearCase utility used for importing files into ClearCase source control. The utility command, clearfsimport, can be used to import any sort of file from a variety of other source control...

Using Unix and Windows Groups with ClearCase

Using Unix and Windows Groups with ClearCase

In this week’s blog entry, we want to have a look at how Unix and Windows groups work together in a mixed Unix/Windows environment. This topic can sometimes be a bit confusing, and here we hope to contribute to clarifying the subject. Many companies and development...

Installing and Configuring Rational 8.1.1 RLKS and LKAD

Installing and Configuring Rational 8.1.1 RLKS and LKAD

This week’s posting deals with Rational licensing on the Windows platform. We are going to have a look at setting up a Windows Rational license server and how to configure it. It also turns out that with the arrival of Rational 7.1.2, a new version of the license...

Creating IBM Rational 7.0.x Patch Install Areas

Creating IBM Rational 7.0.x Patch Install Areas

This week we take up the topic of creating IBM Rational patch install areas for pre-7.1 versions. As we have discussed in previous weeks, there are a number of tools in Rational 7.1 and beyond that introduce much automation into patch management. However, there are...

Using Rational Response Files to Install ClearCase and ClearQuest

Using Rational Response Files to Install ClearCase and ClearQuest

This week we continue on the topic of installing using IBM Installation Manager.  But with a bit of a difference.  Instead of bringing up the IM install GUI and using it to conduct the installation, we will take a step toward greater installation automation and create...

Using IBM Rational Packaging Utility

Using IBM Rational Packaging Utility

In this post, we talk about how to use IBM Rational Packaging Utility along with Installation Manager to first create an installation package containing multiple products (in this case ClearCase and ClearQuest 7.1.2, and License Key Administrator 8.1.1). Then we will...