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High Tech

Outsource Your System Administration to Set Your Engineers Free

Outsource Your System Administration to Set Your Engineers Free

The inquisitive nature of engineers, which makes them so good at designing, developing and building products, can also lead them to become distracted by other “interesting things” like managing the very systems and tools that allow them to do their engineering....

FlexPOD for Infrastructure as a Service

FlexPOD for Infrastructure as a Service

The other day, I went to a presentation of FlexPOD and was impressed.   FlexPOD is a collaboration of efforts from Cisco, VMWare, and NetApp.   What it offers is a highly flexible framework to grow IT datacenters they are calling Infrastructure as a service (IIAS). If...

Distinguishing Between Virtual Teams and IT Outsourcing

Distinguishing Between Virtual Teams and IT Outsourcing

One of the benefits of an IT outsourcing partnership is that it can offer companies the option of working with virtual teams who can help support different types of IT and business operations, regardless of the locations of the workers. Teams and team members who work...

Incorporating Accessibility Into Your Software Engineering Projects

Incorporating Accessibility Into Your Software Engineering Projects

Are you missing out on reaching 25% of the US population with your current software engineering project? Maybe the elderly, at 13% of the population, aren't part of your target market, or maybe it's the 12% of the US population who are disabled that you aren't...

3 Advantages of Purchasing a VMware Solution

3 Advantages of Purchasing a VMware Solution

Has your organization started integrating virtual infrastructure into your overall IT services plan? If not, a quote from Star Trek may be in order, "Resistance is futile." In today’s IT world, the likelihood that your organization is running some sort of...

What Happened to Google Wave? A Look at Collaboration Alternatives

What Happened to Google Wave? A Look at Collaboration Alternatives

Two years ago, Google announced a new product: Wave. Their (and I use the term loosely, since all new Google products seem to come from the same giant, faceless Googleplex) original goal was to unify messaging – have you thought about how many tools you use to...

Four Unavoidable Reasons To Take IT Out of Corporate IT

Four Unavoidable Reasons To Take IT Out of Corporate IT

In the world of IT, solutions become problems with alarming regularity.  The new software of today is the upgrade nightmare of tomorrow.  The policies that solved problems create new ones years later. The corporate IT departments that we look to for solutions are...

In The Trenches: A Look At The Benefits of IT Outsourcing

In The Trenches: A Look At The Benefits of IT Outsourcing

IT outsourcing has become prominent in nearly every area of the economy -- to the point that its benefits are taken for granted.  We're aware of the saving of money, of cloud technology providing cost effective high availability infrastructure, and so forth.  The...

Enterprise Backup – Using Bacula to save time and money!

Enterprise Backup – Using Bacula to save time and money!

One of the main areas SPK focuses on for our clients is backups. I won’t go into a long lecture about why backups are mission-critical for your business because you already know they are. Even the standard backup schemes, such as Grandfather-Father-Son, have been...

Firewall HA setup with Juniper NS50s

Firewall HA setup with Juniper NS50s

One item I’ve done repeatedly while doing network consulting services is configuring high availability (HA) networks. The recommended way is Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP). This requires that you have two firewalls for every location and they run in...

A Beginner’s Guide for Metabase

A Beginner’s Guide for Metabase

There are many Business Intelligence (BI) tools on the market, seemingly with similar capabilities. The goal of BI tools is to collect, analyze, and visualize large amounts of data, transforming raw data into actionable insights. A popular open-source BI tool is...

Enterprise Storage – Do you really get what you pay for?

Enterprise Storage – Do you really get what you pay for?

In my last blog post, I touched on my experience with Network Appliance filers and remote server monitoring.  This week, I will be discussing alternative storage solutions, and how they measure up to one of the biggest players in the Network Attached Storage...