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medical device

Risk Management in the PTC Integrity Medical Device Solution

Risk Management in the PTC Integrity Medical Device Solution

An important part of creating any product intended for use in the medical field is that the manufacturer should have identified all of the risks involved in using the device, and have done their best to mitigate those risks before their product ever sees a patient....

Leveraging PTC Integrity as a Medical Device Solution

Leveraging PTC Integrity as a Medical Device Solution

When you first purchase PTC Integrity Lifecycle Manager, what you are getting is pretty much a blank canvas. To assist you in getting your operation off the ground, PTC also provides a number of different pre-built solutions. These solutions have been designed to...

Medical Device Development: First to Market

Medical Device Development: First to Market

In the world of fast competitive marketing, a lot of attention goes to the first company who develops a creative breakthrough and comes out with a cool new device first. New technology in the medical device market has resulted in several new products which include;...

Have Hybrid Cloud Solutions Become Commonplace? IBM Thinks So

Have Hybrid Cloud Solutions Become Commonplace? IBM Thinks So

IBM’s acquisition of SoftLayer roughly a year ago has supposedly fueled hybrid cloud adoption -- but why now, and why hybrid solutions? After all, isn't the beauty of the cloud its scalability, quick implementation times, and low cost? Wanting to retain physical IT...

OSS, Heartbleed, and the Impact on Medical Device Design

OSS, Heartbleed, and the Impact on Medical Device Design

The use of open source software (OSS) within the medical device industry is a double edged sword. On one end of the spectrum, you have freely available code that is available for the world to scrutinize. In the process, one would hope that bugs are more easily...