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Month: April 2012

How to add more disk space to your Redhat server without reformatting

How to add more disk space to your Redhat server without reformatting

One of the common tasks for any system administrator is managing disk space on a server. It doesn't matter what operating system the server is running, free disk space is always something you keep an eye on. I won't go into a boring lecture on why managing disk space...

SDLC Basics: The Vision Statement

SDLC Basics: The Vision Statement

In the Beginning In the beginning, there was an idea. The idea took shape and became a project. The project became an application and the application got used. Or maybe it didn't get used. Maybe it was completely the wrong application for the business. Or maybe it was...

Creating a Custom Nagios Plugin

Creating a Custom Nagios Plugin

Nagios is an invaluable tool to help monitor a customer's infrastructure.  Last year, I explained how easy it was to be able to integrate Network Appliance health checks.  In fact, Nagios provides a plethora of out of the box plugins.  Additional plugins are available...

Incorporating Accessibility Into Your Software Engineering Projects

Incorporating Accessibility Into Your Software Engineering Projects

Are you missing out on reaching 25% of the US population with your current software engineering project? Maybe the elderly, at 13% of the population, aren't part of your target market, or maybe it's the 12% of the US population who are disabled that you aren't...

In Celebration of IPv6

In Celebration of IPv6

On June 8th of last year, an event known as World IPv6 Day was celebrated. Well, “celebrated” might carry a little too much emphasis – perhaps instead, World IPv6 Day was observed. And what did you do to celebrate this observance of the future? Well, if you are like...

Using Speccy to Understand What’s Inside Your Computer

Using Speccy to Understand What’s Inside Your Computer

This week we’d like to cover a tool that assists with understanding what is actually in that desktop or laptop you work with. Most of us know in lesser or greater detail that there is a CPU, some random access memory (RAM) a hard disk drive (HDD), various peripherals...