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Revolutionizing Development: The Power of GitLab Duo and AI

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Written by Carlos Almeida
Published on March 1, 2024

At SPK and Associates, we’re committed to helping our clients accelerate their product development. It’s one of the reasons we’re also GitLab partners. GitLab offers industry leading, and accoladed, tools for DevOps teams. So, in this blog post, we’re sharing the benefits of using GitLab Duo – it  can transform the way development teams collaborate, innovate, and secure their codebase.

What Is GitLab Duo?

GitLab Duo is an AI-powered extension within GitLab’s DevSecOps Platform, revolutionizing software development. For example, it serves as a dynamic coding partner, suggesting code, explaining vulnerabilities, and forecasting value streams in real-time. Additionally, it’s rooted in a customer-centric and privacy-first approach. Furthermore, it enhances collaboration and safeguards intellectual property. 

GitLab Duo GitLab AI

Why You Should Use GitLab Duo

Enhancing Developer Efficiency

GitLab Duo Code Suggestions feature, powered by AI, enables software developers to write code more efficiently. It does this by offering real-time suggestions as they type. That means it can reduce the coding time, and ensure code quality and consistency throughout the project.

GitLab Chat: A Dynamic Collaboration Hub

Whether you’re a technical expert or a novice, the GitLab AI Chat assists in explaining unfamiliar code, suggesting and generating tests, and simplifying the overall coding process. Essentially, it’s a helpful collaboration addition designed to improve communication and break down barriers. As of the writing of this blog post, GitLab Chat is in beta.

AI-powered Workflows

GitLab Duo allows you to harness the power of AI to enhance testing, security, and documentation. This will allow you to streamline your software development and deployment process, and more importantly, save time and money on manual tasks. There is a great article from Cesar Saavedra on combining GitLab Flow and Duo which shows some of the AI capabilities as it pertains to workflows.

GitLab Duo GitLab AI

Organizational Controls for Precision AI Usage

GitLab Duo Pro, available as an add-on for Ultimate and Premium customers, introduces organizational controls. This allows businesses to have greater control over AI usage. Furthermore, by limiting AI usage to approved users only, Duo Pro ensures precision in AI application.

GitLab Duo GitLab AI

Privacy-First Approach

One of the standout features of GitLab Duo is its privacy-first approach. Essentially, your inputs remain your content, and GitLab makes no claim of ownership. Ultimately, this commitment to data privacy ensures your intellectual property is safeguarded.

Transparency at the Core

Transparency isn’t just a buzzword for Duo; it’s at the core of its design. For example, the platform provides detailed information about its AI-assisted features. Consequently, this helps users understand how their data is used and protected. 

GitLab Duo in Action

GitLab Duo is more than a singular tool; it’s a comprehensive package of capabilities designed to empower development teams.  From Code Suggestions enabling efficient coding to Value Stream Forecasting predicting productivity metrics, GitLab Duo covers a wide spectrum of AI-powered features. And SPK’s experts are here to help when you’re ready to learn more about it.  

If you’d like to see how GitLab Duo could work in your organization, contact us for a no-obligation discussion.

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