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Configuring FTP services on a website

Configuring FTP services on a website

Every administrator runs into the FTP question eventually: Can we get FTP for our site?  Setting up FTP is relatively easy with a few concerns around security. Old FTP sites were prone to security holes and configurations that were difficult. With vsftpd, the host...

Confluence upgrading to 4.0 from 3.8

Confluence upgrading to 4.0 from 3.8

Recently, we upgraded Confluence to 4.0, the latest revision and was pleasantly surprised by the process. The upgrade was seamless, well documented, and no major issues found. Upgrading confluence would have been really simple if we wanted to retain the same server....

Redhat vs. Ubuntu in a Corporate Environment

Redhat vs. Ubuntu in a Corporate Environment

Picking a linux distribution can be an extremely daunting task.  Wikipedia lists at least several hundred of them, although many of them are targeted for very specific hardware architectures or embedded devices.  In the PC world, there are still a ton to...

How to Keep Your Linux Servers Up to Date

How to Keep Your Linux Servers Up to Date

One of the most important aspects of our Linux server management service is operating system patching. With Windows, Microsoft has made this trivial by means of the Windows Update utility. Microsoft is the single source of the patches, and assuming that the patches...