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software automation

Understanding Continuous Integration

Understanding Continuous Integration

Continuous Integration (CI) is a software development methodology that uses small and frequent incremental changes to the code base, which are incorporated into a rapid build and test environment. Each change integrated into the source repository is verified by the...

Improve your build, test and deployment with ElectricCommander

Improve your build, test and deployment with ElectricCommander

Repeatability is a intuitive aspect of daily life. If you throw a ball up, it must come down. If you throw it twenty times, the same thing will happen, up and then down. When repeatability doesn't occur we get anxious. Repeatability is equally an essential quality in...

Why an Automated Development Process Benefits Developers

Why an Automated Development Process Benefits Developers

Automated development, rather than just automated builds, offers a more holistic approach to automating the development process including building, testing and deployment. It is the cornerstone of Continuous Integration (CI). CI uses a model of small incremental...

How to Create a Silent Installer for ANSYS 14

How to Create a Silent Installer for ANSYS 14

I'm a huge fan of automation, especially when it comes to installing software. With a simple one-click solution, you can setup software on a user's workstation with little or no impact on your work load. In fact, you don't even need to do the installation -- users can...