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infrastructure support service

10 Step Process for Deploying User Workstations using Clonezilla

10 Step Process for Deploying User Workstations using Clonezilla

One of the most time-consuming tasks as an IT Administrator is setting up a new workstation for a new user. A workstation is typically a laptop these days, but could still be a traditional Windows desktop or possibly a Linux-based workstation. As part of SPK's...

Outsource Your System Administration to Set Your Engineers Free

Outsource Your System Administration to Set Your Engineers Free

The inquisitive nature of engineers, which makes them so good at designing, developing and building products, can also lead them to become distracted by other “interesting things” like managing the very systems and tools that allow them to do their engineering....

In the Trenches: How IT Outsourcing Makes Life Easier on IT Managers

In the Trenches: How IT Outsourcing Makes Life Easier on IT Managers

In September we introduced a blog post series on how IT outsourcing can deliver multiple benefits to organizations. These gains can range from lower costs to support for an activity or function to process improvements delivered by an organization that has extensive...