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Executives, Can you Afford to Stay on a Windows PC?

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Written by Chris McHale
Published on March 17, 2014

As the CEO of a technology services company, my personal computing necessities are actually quite simple. I’ve got to have easy, reliable access to the Internet, the basic Microsoft suite of tools, and I need synchronized email with Gmail, my computer and my mobile device. I know my “simple needs” are shared by an enormous number of busy executives.

Drawn by the temptation of a simpler, easier computing environment; two years ago I made the decision to move to a MacBook Air from a Windows PC.

Having lived in the land of Windows for many, many years I was quite hesitant about moving over “to the dark side” so I did a simple time and motion study over a couple of months where I noted how much time it took me to handle certain Windows “issues”.

I quickly realized I spent a lot of time waiting for things to happen or get fixed, among them were the following:

  • My PC to boot up
  • My PC to power down
  • Defragmentation
  • Registry fixing/cleaning
  • Coping with Viruses, Malware, and the programs that “protect” you from them

Even a little bit of calculator work revealed that the time I was wasting on these issues wasn’t measured in minutes or hours, rather it was measured in days each year!

I made the jump to Mac where I had been told the above issues would be either minimized or absent, and I would have to say I’m happy with the “extra” time I now have.

I know a lot of business executives who would surely bill out at the $250.00 an hour level if they were “for sale”. Give that person back 3 or 4 days of productivity in a year and they will realize a huge benefit from moving to a simpler, less complex computing platform.

Another benefit is that you don’t have to ask/beg/hire a technologist to handle all the things you can’t handle yourself because you’re not technical. Instead of that, you can just concentrate on running/growing/fixing the company!

Skeptics will say Windows has improved over the years and PC hardware is much faster and more stable then it used to be, but the same can be said of the Mac platform.

Executives, can you afford to stay on a Windows PC?

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