A COMPLETE OVERVIEW OF SMART MEDICAL DEVICES, THEIR DEVELOPMENT AND THEIR COMPLIANCE CONSIDERATIONS. While the Internet of Things offers great opportunities both for businesses and consumers, compliance and security must be thought through carefully from the very...
Software Development & Release Management
How Microsoft Azure Cloud Solutions Can Help Your Manufacturing Enterprise Maintain Its Competitive Edge
Executive Summary In 2020, public and private cloud-based solutions are set to surpass traditional data centers in terms of overall spending. In 2017, nearly two thirds of spending went toward private cloud solutions like Microsoft Azure. Cloud usage exploded in 2017,...
Back to the Basics of IoT
Consumers have taken a vanguard role in pushing innovation. IoT is changing the face of data collection, analytics and transmission. The field continues to evolve as new applications for smart devices develop. Download this white paper to learn more about how the...
8 Myths About Moving To The Atlassian Cloud Debunked
"Oh, the Atlassian Cloud isn't built for Enterprise." As an Atlassian Solution Partner, we’ve seen that most organizations who are hesitant about moving to cloud, aren’t equipped with the right information. This is why we’ve busted the top cloud myths. In this...
5 Reasons To Move To The Atlassian Cloud
Why Atlassian's Cloud Platform is ready for your business Experts are predicting that 83% of enterprise workloads will be in the cloud. If you’ve been paying attention, you’re probably not surprised. Cloud services are more secure, sustainable, agile, and...
Agile Software Development and Atlassian Products (Jira, Bitbucket, Bamboo)
Unlocking the Power of Collaboration and Efficiency Tired of trying to overcome the pain points of traditional software development methods? Frustrated with slow project delivery? Struggling with team collaboration? Version control nightmares? Worry no more. You can...
Simulation Software in Product Development Drives Digital Transformation at Lightspeed
Simulation software has been around for decades, but it’s been the province of specialized analysts with massive computing power. Using advanced physics, analysts test and validate models just before final physical prototyping – by which time 90% of product costs are...
Leveraging PTC Integrity for IEC 62304 Compliance
Executive Summary Our medical device customers report that up to 70% of new product innovation is being created in the software domain. This represents an increase in both volume and complexity. In this white paper, you'll learn: The 3 different use cases explained A...
Jira on Cloud: Case Study for Migrating ITSM Solutions
SPK supports an established credit union up against the ticking clock to migrate to Jira on cloud. Switching is critical before its Jira IT service-management application will no longer work on its local server. The need to move to Jira on Cloud Back in October 2020,...
Accelerating Developer Velocity with the Microsoft Developer Platform
Accelerating developer velocity helps drive business performance. Discover how your business can better support your developers and increase innovation with the Microsoft Developer Platform.What You Will Learn Discover how the Microsoft Developer Platform helps your...
Reduce Software Development Meeting Time with Loom for Code Reviews and Process Documentation
The significance of code reviews, documentation, and general collaboration between individuals and teams in software development cannot be overstated. Most developers acknowledge the importance of this process for identifying bugs and enhancing code quality. However,...
6 Reasons Screen Recordings Streamline Collaborative Development Processes
Collaborating on an engineering project with team members separated by many miles and multiple time zones can be challenging at times. Telephones, emails, screenshots and online virtual meetings all help but also have their shortcomings. In many ways, screen recording...