I wanted to post this solution since we run into this problem all the time: Often, our .bat scripts include making registry changes or copying files which require Administrative access. This code will cause the .bat file to trigger a UAC prompt before running...
Windows 7
Top 5 IT Infrastructure Posts of 2011 from SPK’s Blog
Today, we're bringing you a rewind of the most popular IT Infrastructure posts of 2011. Enjoy these favorites from our blog as this year winds down. Number 5 - Solve 100 Problems with a Bootable USB Flash Drive What everyday device can be used for troubleshooting 100...
Running Pro/INTRALINK 3.4 on Windows 7, 64-bit
I recently came across a forum post asking for advice on the combination of running Pro/Intralink 3.4 on Windows 7 64-bit. In short, I’m happy to report that we’ve been using this combination without incident: Microsoft Windows 7 Professional 64-bit SP1, PTC...