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electric cloud

7 Ways to Fight Feature Creep

7 Ways to Fight Feature Creep

I was recently involved in a project in which the goal was to streamline and automate a manual software deployment process using Electric Cloud's product ElectricCommander. The Scope of Work was laid out, development was underway, and my coworker and I felt very...

Electric Flow 8.0 New Feature: Manual and Automated Retry on Error

Electric Flow 8.0 New Feature: Manual and Automated Retry on Error

Electric Cloud recently released version 8.0 of their build and deployment orchestration tool, Electric Flow. This latest release includes many new features, but the focus of this article will be the ability to retry tasks and stages from a failed pipeline and why...

Getting Started with Electric Cloud’s ntest Tool

Getting Started with Electric Cloud’s ntest Tool

Electric Cloud (now known as CloudBees CD) has released an open-source tool called ec-testing for unit testing Electric Commander procedures. In this video below, David Hubbell demonstrates how to download the tool, set it up, and run example test cases....